Contact us for more info about Saigon to Bangkok by Bicycle – 14 Days

We don't currently have scheduled dates for this tour, however please let us know you're interested and when you'd like to go and we will endeavour to provide you with a tour to meet your needs.


    Saigon to Bangkok by Bicycle – 14 Days

    Lifestyle Cycling Tour of Southeast Asia from $5942 NZD

    Contact us for more info about Saigon to Bangkok by Bicycle – 14 Days

    We don't currently have scheduled dates for this tour, however please let us know you're interested and when you'd like to go and we will endeavour to provide you with a tour to meet your needs.


      Take a tour in three of Southeat Asia’s most diverse and fascinating countries from Saigon to Bangkok by bicycle.

      From exciting Saigon, travel along the great Mekong to the wonders of Angkor, colonial Battambang and to bustling Bangkok. This diverse 14-day tour will give you a great insight into Southeast Asia, its culture, scenery and wonderfully friendly people. There are many highlights including the French colonial charms of Phnom Penh, the history of Angkor Wat and the mountains that separate Thailand and Cambodia.

      We cycle on a mix of good condition tarmac roads, pot-holed or broken roads and dirt paths. No offroad riding experience is required. We are accompanied by an experienced guide for the whole journey, plus a support vehicle is close by most of the time.

      Saigon to Bangkok

      • Lifestyle
      • Grade
      • Group size 2-16
      • USD595 single room surcharge
      • USD250 mountain bike hire
      • USD575 e-bike hire (limited)
      • Prices from Oct 2024 subject to change
      • This tour is invoiced in USD
      This trip is suitable for anyone with a reasonable level of fitness. The road surfaces on this tour are mixed: we ride a combination of good quality tarmac, wide dirt tracks and broken roads that are sometimes badly potholed but easily ridden. The terrain is mostly flat. Only on a few days do we cover longer distances (85 km), less experienced riders are welcome to travel in the comfort of the support vehicle. There is a lot to see en route as we ride alongside rivers, villages, orchards and rice fields. We have three days when we travel by boat, giving variety and a chance for weary legs to recover. You'll stay in comfortable (3 star+) hotels for 13 nights.

      Full Itinerary

      DAY 1

      Arrival Day: Saigon

      Cycling: none

      Welcome to Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City)! We meet at our hotel where we can test our bikes and spend some time exploring the city. This evening we get to know our fellow cyclists during our welcome dinner at the enchanting Temple Club restaurant.

      Meals: Dinner

      DAY 2

      Saigon to Tra Vinh

      Cycling: approx. 65 km

      After breakfast we leave Saigon in our bus and travel to Cai Be - the gateway to the Mekong Delta. Today's ride will lead us into the heart of the Mekong, past banana plantations and fields of sugarcane. Today's biking is mixed, taking us off road onto gravel and dirt lanes and weaving through hamlets, across rivers and through thick vegetation. A ferry crossing takes us to Tra Vinh, a pretty tree-lined town with many ethnic Khmers.

      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

      DAY 3

      Tra Vinh to Can Tho

      Cycling: approx. 92 km

      Today's route is peaceful and scenic all the way to our destination of Can Tho. Along the way there is plenty to see, from contrasting architectural styles of Khmer homes and temples to the rich and colourful river scenes when crossing many small bridges.

      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

      DAY 4

      Can Tho to Chau Doc

      Cycling: approx 90 km

      Firstly it's a visit to Cai Rang floating market before transferring to the start of today's ride at Tri Ton. The terrain becomes more undulating as the mountains loom and we get closer to Chau Doc. The Thot Not trees indicate the closeness of Cambodia where the locals speak Vietnamese as their second language. We cycle to the Killing Fields of Vietnam at Ba Chuc where Pol Pot's regime massacred over 3,000 Vietnamese in 1978. Then we ride to Chau Doc along incredible country roads. Those with energy to spare may like to climb Sam Mountain to watch the sunset.

      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

      DAY 5

      Chau Doc to Phnom Penh (Cambodia)

      No cycling

      We leave Chau Doc and Vietnam behind as we cruise along the Mekong River to Phnom Penh. We take the opportunity to rest our weary legs today and watch the many scenes of local life alongside one of Asia's great rivers. As we head into Cambodia we overnight in the capital of Phnom Penh before heading north tomorrow to cycle among 1000 years of Khmer history. This afternoon we will visit Tuol Sleng Prison and the Killing Fields to learn about Cambodia’s turbulent past under the Khmer Rouge regime.

      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

      DAY 6

      Phnom Penh to Oudong to Kampong Thom

      Cycling: approx. 25 km

      Today we have a late start to give you time to explore Phnom Penh - the modern capital of Cambodia. Then it’s a 30 minute transfer before we are back on our bikes and cycling towards Oudong, Cambodia’s former capital. The 400-plus steps to the top of Oudon Mountain will get our legs working overtime, but the view is worth it! Today we'll see rural Cambodia as we ride past stilted houses, rice paddies, ox cars, waving children and friendly Khmer people. Finally a 3-4 hour transfer takes us to Kampong Thom.

      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

      DAY 7

      Phnom Penh to Siem Reap

      Cycling: 65 km

      We start the day with a visit to the ancient temple site of Sambor Prey Kuk. Its one of the oldest temple sites in Cambodia (constructed in the 7th Century) and functioned as the Capital of the Chenla Empire, although now its mainly covered in vegetation. After a guided tour through the temples, we have a short transfer to Damdek village. Then we cycle to Siem Reap on country roads through rice paddy fields and small villages where we'll be greeted warmly by the locals along the way.

      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

      DAY 8

      Angkor Temples

      Cycling: approx. 30 km

      We ride to the entrance of Angkor Wat and head to Ta Prohm, famous from the movie Tomb Raider. We continue to Angkor Thom, Bayon temple and the Terrace of the Elephants. Then its lunch at the Angkor Cafe before we explore the biggest religious Hindu edifice in the world - Angkor Wat. Considered the masterpiece of Khmer architecture, this Vishnuite temple is the King's funerary temple which is why its orientated to the west. Inside, the temple walls are covered in carvings and bas-reliefs. After our visit to these magnificent temples we cycle the 7 km back to Siem Reap.

      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

      DAY 9

      Ride to Banteay Srei

      Cycling: 56 km

      Our ride today takes us through rural countryside to Banteay Srei known for its famous temple which has the best preserved basreliefs and other stone carvings in Cambodia. The temple is small in size but of huge significance in understanding the Angkorian Era. We continue cycling on rural roads, taking a break for lunch before reaching Kbal Spean, also known as the Valley of 1000 Lingas. Then its a 3 km trek uphill through jungle to a river bed with submersed carvings and a beautiful waterfall (rainy season only). We return to Siam Reap by vehicle in time for dinner at your leisure.

      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

      DAY 10

      Siem Reap to Battambang

      No cycling

      No riding today, but instead we'll visit a floating village before heading across the lake to Battambang, Cambodia's second capital. Its a sleepy city full of faded colonial charm. Along the way we’ll see the local people going about their daily lives and if we’re lucky we can spot some wildlife on the banks. During the end of the dry season, lake levels may be too low to allow boat passage to Battambang. In this case, we’ll transfer by van, but don’t worry, once we arrive, we’ll have some time to explore the city and surrounding countryside.

      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

      DAY 11

      Battambang to Pailin

      Cycling: 95 km

      We start riding from the hotel. It can be a tough ride as the road is usually in poor condition (bumpy and can be dusty in the dry season), but the scenery is impressive as we head towards Thailand. The road undulates as we get closer to Pailin but there is nothing too steep or long. We cycle through countryside where farms and local villages can be seen along the way and we really get a feeling we're riding in unchartered territory.

      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

      DAY 12

      Pailin to Chantaburi

      Cycling: 44 km

      Today it's a short, easy ride on quiet scenic roads to the border crossing. This rural road used mainly by local traders, makes for a pleasant stop while we complete all immigration formalities. Then we ride through the Thai countryside to the main road from where we transfer (after a change of guides, vehicle and bikes) to the beach with lunch en route.

      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

      DAY 13

      Chantaburi to Laem Mae Phim

      Cycling: 65 km

      It’s a flat and easy ride through mangroves, shrimp farms and along the coast. We’ll overnight at a very local Thai beach and have the afternoon free for swimming and relaxing.

      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

      DAY 14

      Laem Mae Phim to Bangkok (& departure)

      No cycling

      We have the morning to relax at the beach before we head to Bangkok where the tour finishes (at around 3pm).

      Meals: Breakfast

      Tour Inclusions and Exclusions:

      Tour Includes:

      • Accommodation (double or twin share):13 nights in mostly 3-4 star hotels
      • Meals as listed in the itinerary
      • English speaking tourguide(s)
      • Support vehicle(s)
      • Airport departure transfer (day 14)
      • Boat rides as listed
      • Water and snacks while cycling
      • Entrance fees & sightseeing as per itinerary

      Tour Excludes:

      • International flights and airport taxes
      • Passport and travel visas (Vietnam visa required prior to arrival)
      • Airport arrival transfer (day 1)
      • Travel Insurance
      • Personal expenses and drinks (except water while cycling)
      • Tips for guide(s) and support crew