It was excellent! Our tour leader was helpful on every front, plus we had 5 others as part of the support team. They all worked really well together, were lovely and made things seamless for us. We ate really well, the lunches they prepared for us on the road were great, I might even say they were the best I had on a cycling tour. The restaurants they picked for the restaurant meals were good choices to give us some variety.
The routes were generally good, giving us a nice variety of landscapes and towns. To my surprise (I’m not much into hiking) I enjoyed the hikes and parks on the non-cycling days, particularly the latter 2. I wanted lemurs and I got many as well as cool other creatures in those parks as well as in our stay at Camp Catta (great location).
Our group got along really well & friendships were made. Anyway, it was a great trip, I am really happy with the experience. So a big thank you for everything!